Monday, February 27, 2017

Chicken Pick of the Week - Swedish Orust

A unique chicken with an interesting history. The Swedish Orust originally lived off of the rocky coast of Western Sweden, where they adapted and learned to feed off of fish and insects in the shallow pools. A landrace chicken, meaning that instead of selective breeding by people, these chickens developed naturally through adapting to their environment.

The Orust range from small to medium sized and the hens lay up to a medium sized egg. Swedish fisherman benefitted from their eggs for decades. In 2013 there were reportedly less than 500 Orusts in the world with their numbers slowly increasing due to local breeders.

Because of their adaption to fishing, they are tenacious free rangers. This writer finds them very friendly and curious. We kept a few younger Orusts in our barn and whenever we would walk in they would swarm around our feet pecking at any little speck, be it a freckle or lint.

Their black and white mottled feather pattern extends to their legs and feet. Another interesting feature, when a Orust rooster is riled up, maybe by the presence of a predator, their waddles will turn from red to purple as a possible visual warning to the hens who maybe cannot hear his alarm crow over the crashing waves.

If there was any question if Dinosaurs evolved into birds, the Swedish Orust would be a logical argument with their adaption to the rocky Swedish coast and the rooster's changing the color of their waddles when there is possible danger nearby.

The Hatching House is proud to offer the unique Swedish Orust. Being a very new breed to our farm they will be available in the Summer.

Please check out our website at

Thank you!

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